Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let Me Tell you OUR Story

"I recall a young man who was driftin' aimlessly And a young waitress who seemed lonesome as could be"

Well, I'm Sarah! My Fiance' Is Brad..( you will NEVER catch him on here updating) we got Engaged Feb 4th 2011, and we are already planning (well..I am.) What little girl Doesn't Wait on this day forever? Well.. I figured the MOST Appropriate 1st post would be to tell you the Story, of Me and Brad.

Lets See, Brad and I 1st Officially Met, while I Was waiting tables, at a local restaurant/bar. He was there to Pick up a friend who was left without a ride, and happened to be sitting in my section. I attempted to get Brad's drink order, but he was too into the game to notice me asking. So typical Sarah, I asked him WTH he was staring at and did he want a drink or not. (yes love at 1st sight i know) He was Shocked, I wasnt Even slightly afraid of him.

I thought he was really Cute, so I spent most of my night at his Table talking to him, I went back in the kitchen, where I was cut for the night, I went out to tell them bye, and He was gone. I kept thinking about it, and wondering if we would cross paths again.. Turns out, we had a few mutual friends, and I wasnt the only one wondering. A Couple of Days Later, My phone Rang, and it was him..he had tracked down my number. He informed me He was at the Carolina Game, and told me all about how his sister lived there and they were all going out, and asked me to drive down there and hang out with him. I very sweetly refused, because I was NOT going to appear too into him just yet. He asked if i was free the following day to hang out..which I was after work, so we made plans.

Following night, which was a Sunday, In Fountain Inn, I met him, and we drove to this Land that his friend owned, and sat around listening to our Ipods, laughing at eachothers music, and just getting to know eachother. Towards the end of the night I could tell her wanted to kiss me, and him being as shy as he is, he just didnt want to make that move, But Eventually He did, and as soon as he backed away i ask him "Do you feel better now?" which REALLY embarassed him..

After that we began to spend, Every Single day together, we watched lots of movies, due to my late hours at the restaurant, went to dinners, went to All the Carolina Games together, we slowly became Best Friends,...then became boyfriend and girlfriend.

This Is our very 1st Picture EVER together :)

Brad is my Best Friend in this world. he knows Everything about me, and He's Been there when others havent. We have so much in common, and I cant Imagine Marrying Anyone other than him. So I am Pleased to Say This is my Blog.. and June 16th 2012, I will Marry my Best Friend.
and we are Two Birds of a Feather

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