Tuesday, April 26, 2011

*Long Week...and Red Soxs*

I would like to start this blog by a question. .Has this week not been the longest freaking week ever? Seriously..

and on to bigger and better things. Last night, My Wonderful friend Elisabeth, who also doubles as my "down to earth. lets get crap done, and do the damn thing" Bridesmaid... was kind enough to Invite brad and I to a Drive Game, where we sat in a Suite, Drank Yuengling, and enjoyed the game since it was a beautiful night.. We Were right behind home plate, which was actually more amazing than I pictured.

We Truely Appreciated Elisabeth and Carl Having us :) we had such a great time getting out of the house and actually doing something. on a monday?! which is odd for us :)

Lets see, Oh yes.. Thanks to Molly...I have now discovered LulaKate, and cant stop looking and becoming more and more obsessed. on my wedding day, yes.. I want to look amazing, but I don't want my bridesmaids to look too shabby either.. I've recently stumbled upon this website of all LulaKate Dresses, and  I love them more and more Here's some personal favorites

I Love the Carolina Blue color in this one. That Brides really pops out!

I am so NOT crazy about the bows, but this color scheme is nifty!!

HOW freaking amazing to these girls look?!

Other important news, Its Almost FRIDAY, which means its A) Almost time for me to be Charleston bound :) :) :)  and B) Its almost time for.. THE ROYAL WEDDING

Yes. I am watching this. Yes. I do actually care about this.People are shocked I'm watching this. I'm Shocked that they are not. I mean. Royalty. ROYALTY. Prince and Princesses, and Queens and why would you miss seeing what the dress is, how her hair is,her flowers etc. I mean, my lord, shes marrying into Royalty, i want to see every detail.
Plus, like any other girl my age, I grew up having a huge childish crush on Prince William, (hes Prince after all) so of course we want to see his wedding.Duh.Cant...freakin...wait.

Lastly, YES this is titled Red Soxs, because on top of this long week. My red soxs are playing like Freaking Rookies. Ugggghh.. who are we right now? Its embarrassing. BUT it other fantastic Boston (love you miss you come steal me away) News... The Lockout for the NFL was lifted, which means... brad and I may FINALLY see this year, my PATS whip up on his silly cowboys ;)  so that def. helped my short week , that feels like a month long, week perk up a little.

Well. THAT was my pointless blog. and now I'm going to curl up with Tootsie, and Sleep because, that's my new favorite past time.

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