Saturday, November 19, 2011

Big Changes, Different Faces.

I would like to start this with...
I have been Blessed. I have the Best parents in the whole world, with who.. I would be lost without. 
My Parents, have never  and I Repeat..NEVER, sheltered me, they have never sugar-coated ( in my daddys  words.."This aint no doughnut shop!!") , and they have always had nothing, but my best interest at heart, even if that meant, looking me in the eye and saying "NO.. you cant have/do/say that" I have so much respect for my parents, not only as my parents, but As people, and as my FRIENDS. They never did anything "just to make me  happy" i worked, to make myself happy, it was what my father wanted. I was handed nothing. And for that, I  have become, this Independent person I am today, who depends on No one. I am unbelievably thankful, for teaching me, to be honest, no matter what. For making me learn, the Happiest people, work for there good fortune, and are not handed it. For there unconditional love, even when i was raising hell, and making there lives super hard. I thank god for these two every single day of my life. 

I say all this, to tell you My Parents, (esp. my father who has been to hell and back), is wise, beyond belief, and he moved me, to the core with this. My Entire life, my father has always told me...

"Never..Ever, put yourself behind the will NEVER get out from behind it without running into it.Its a Chance, that is just not worth taking..."

This..was referred to in everything. The game of Pool, Love, Friends, and Mostly....Money.

So, I come to you, and bring you all this for a point..

After alot of Long talks, alot of empty pockets, Alot of Stress-induced Crying, and most importantly, ALOT..i mean ALOT, of Praying..
I asked god, to take this. To take all this stress, and do what he thought was our best plan and we would go with it  NO MATTER WHAT.... I laid down, and I had a dream, of my father saying "Never.Ever...behind the 8 Ball" I knew what had to be done.

These 2 Love birds...Have decided, we will not be having a big wedding Here in Simpsonville. ( has been our personal 8-Ball)
We will be having, a Small, Tiny,  Family, and Wedding party ONLY, Gathering In Gatlinburg TN

It felt right, to tell you, since alot of you were expecting an invitation. Right now, This is just our Best Bet, we made this decision and ever since we are just Happier people, with no Stress. We appreciate all the kind words from those who celebrated our Engagement, and Shared in our Love and Laughter, and stood by us in any decision we made, and we ask that you continue to do the Same. We love, each and every one of you, and wish you ALL could be there, and you will be in spirit. ..But right now, we have to do what makes us happy, and stress-free...and it is this.

we appreciate the support. seriously. :)


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